Maison des Arts – 6 Stories – photography

Maison des Arts – 6 Stories – photography

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#06 Stories –
For the Journalist day, June the 21st, the Maison des arts presents six photo essays, six stories about Vietnam, nowadays, told by four photojournalists from Vietnam and one from America.

Maison des Arts
Opening: Fri
20 June, 6 pm

Justin Maxon, Na Son, Lam Khanh, Trong Tung, Trong Chinh
Group photography exhibition

In spite of their young age, all have been published in National and International magazines and won prestigious prizes for the quality and the humanism of their works.
Those stories of a huge visual beauty touch us by their contents, melancholy of old age, pain of the orange agent victims, hardness of the steel-makers’ work

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