Home Event Listings Photo, Film, Video A Date with the Planet

A Date with the Planet

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Fri 05 June, 7 pm

On World Environment Day, HOME, a movie by Yann-Arthus Bertrand (famous for “The Earth from Above”), will be released on the same day in over 50 countries.

Home is a film with a message that sets out to shift people’s perceptions, make us aware of the tectonic movements at work and incite us to act.

Although there is a general trend in our societies towards an awareness of ecological issues, concrete action is still too little, too slow – which constitutes in some ways the creed of the movie: It’s too late to be a pessimist.But Home is more than a documentary with a message, it’s a magnificent movie in its own right. Every breathtaking shot shows the Earth – our Earth – as we have never seen it before. Every image seems to be saying, “Look how beautiful the Earth is, look at what we’re destroying, and above all look at all these wonders that we can still preserve.”

The film has a very clear message. We have a greater impact on the Earth than it can bear. We over-consume and are depleting the Earth’s resources. From the air, it’s easy to see the Earth’s wounds. So, Home simply sets out our current situation, while saying that a solution exists. The film’s subtitle could be It’s Too Late To Be A Pessimist. We have reached a crossroads; important decisions must be taken to change our world. Everybody knows about what the film says, but nobody wants to believe it. So Homeadds its weight to the argu- ment of environmental organizations that we need to revert to a more com- monsensical approach and change our consumer way of life.

See the film’s website for more info.

You will also be able to see the film when it is released on YouTube on the same day.

The showing at L’Espace will be in French with Vietnamese subtitle.

L’Espace-Centre Culturel Français de Hanoi
Ambassade de France au Vietnam
24, Tràng Tiền, Hà Nội
Tel: (84-4) 39 36 21 64
Fax: (84-4) 39 36 21 65


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