Home Literary Discovering Craft Villages in Vietnam

Discovering Craft Villages in Vietnam


Tues 22 Sept, 6pm

Book Launch:
Discovering Craft Villages in Vietnam
Ten Itineraries Around Hà Nôi

Book launch with exhibition of enlargements from the book

Less than one hour’s journey from the capital are over 500 specialist craft villages, producing an array of religious and artistic objects, as well as food products, industrial goods, textiles, basketwork and much more

Until recently, few guides or tourists had ventured into these villages, some of which are lost beyond a maze of roads and tracks amid the rice paddies of Hà Nôi’s hinterland. Little is commonly known of their history and the skills they have maintained. Few of these villages are signposted, yet collectively they are home to a wealth of architectural, religious and craft heritage in the Upper Delta.

This book, the fruit of several years’ research by Vietnam specialists, comprises ten itineraries, blending potted histories, legends, descriptions of craft techniques, signposted walks and maps, all designed to introduce readers to over 40 craft villages, none of them very far from Hà Nôi.

You are probably familiar with the wide variety of Vietnamese handicrafts on sale in the shops of Hà Nôi’s Old Quarter or in Western cities. This guide will now give you the chance to explore vibrant villages that are often beautiful, always fascinating. You will meet the anonymous artisans who practise these crafts and to learn something of their lives and their enduring skills.

Goethe-Institut Hanoi
56-58 Nguyễn Thái Học
Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Tel.: +84 4 7342251
Fax: +84 4 7342254
[email protected]


    • Hello Ann
      I’m not sure. you can try contacting the published (info in the comment above).
      I will also forward your question to the authors.
      Good luck!

  1. Hello, I am one of the authors of this book, but not a very well informed one regarding its marketing…

    There are four bookshops selling our guide in Saigon. I hope to be able to give you the list soon – but try big, state-run bookshops – and anywhere specialising in foreign books.

    Thê Gioi, the Vietnamese printers here in Hanoi, are the people to contact to obtain the English language version (IRD only distribute the French version):

    Ann Proctor, where are you in Australia? A lady I used to play bridge with here for many years is heading home in a couple of weeks and would happily post you a copy – or hand it over in person, should you happen to be in Perth…

    Thanks for all your interest,

    Nicholas (Stedman)

  2. Numbers 11, 12 & 13 in the following list are all bookshops in Saigon…

    Discovering Craft Villages in Vietnam

    Ten Itineraries Around Hà Nội

    Sylvie Fanchette and Nicholas Stedman

    IRD/ The Gioi Publishers

    1. Bookshop The Gioi Publishers – 46. Tran Hung Dao – HN

    2. Bookshop SAVINA (1st floor, Foreign Floor) – 44. Trang Tien – HN

    3. Bookshop Thang Long – 55. Trang Tien – HN

    4. Bookshop Viet – Phap, Trang Tien – HN

    5. Information Centre for Commercial and Tourism Development – 7. Dinh Tien Hoang – HN
    6. Museum of Ethnology – HN

    7. Bookshop at Temple of Literature – HN

    8. Xunhasaba Bookshop – 32. Hai Ba Trung HN

    9. Noi Bai International Airport bookshop – HN

    10. Bookworm bookshop – 7. Yen The – HN

    11. Chi nhanh Nxb The Gioi, 7. Nguyen Thi Minh Khai – TP HCM

    12. Nha sach 40 Nguyen Hue – TP HCM

    13. Nha sach Xuan Thu – TP HCM

    14. Chao ban truc tiep cho mot so thu vien: TV Quoc gia, Thu vien cac Vien nghien cuu thuoc nganh Khoa hoc Xa hoi

    15. Mot so diem ban sach nho tren dia ban HN va TP HCM

  3. Hi Nicholas, we tried all the bookstores in HCMC and not one reported selling this book. The Fahasa on 40 Nguyen Hue was especially unhelpful. I know the Bookworm in Hanoi so I’ve sent the student who needs this book to it as I believe they will be most helpful. I’ll let you all know if she is successful there.

    Best wishes

    Melissa Merryweather

    • Hi Elizabeth, please refer to the previous comments to contact the authors and publisher. Thank you!

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