Home Other New Logo, and a Store, for Grapevine!

New Logo, and a Store, for Grapevine!

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Changes on Hanoi Grapevine

In a couple of weeks Hanoi Grapevine will be 4 years old! And it’s time to make a few changes.

Today we are pleased to introduce:

our New Logo

We like our new logo, we hope you do too. Let us know what you think in the comments.
But just a logo didn’t feel like a big enough change, so we are also excited to announce:

the new Grapevine Store

The Grapevine Store

OK, it’s a pretty small store right now – in fact we only have one CD for sale!
But we will grow.

And check out the CD – it’s Hanoi Love Stories, by Tri Minh and Friends, which is being launched this week. So it seemed like the perfect product to also launch our store.

Please check out the store, maybe even support Tri Minh (and Grapevine) by buying a copy for yourself or a friend.

And that’s not all – watch for more new features and functionality coming soon!


  1. Hi Brian,

    The new logo is a little bit brighter than the older one. However, to be quite honest, I don’t like this much. Could you explain what does the red icon in the new logo mean?

    Congrats on the establishment of The Grapevine Store.


  2. Great job Brian
    The logo makes a “splash”. It is easily recognizable both small or large, b&w or color. It will grow on us all — your faithful readers.

  3. Awesome! It’s so much modern and artsy and fits a lot better with all the art at Hanoi Grapewine B) Can’t wait for my new CD to arrive…

  4. Thanks to everyone for the comments!

    @T, there is a bit of a story behind the new logo. i just updated our ‘About’ page to tell the story. It helps explain that red icon.
    Please take a look. (Vietnamese version should be updated tomorrow.)

  5. Pls , if possible don’ change the old logo .The old one really became meaning in my mind and would be a brandname for one trade marke . The new one looks modern , but is not new creative . We need a better quality of the website year by year than the change for the new outlook . Thanks a lot .

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