”I will Come to See You with a Visual Story” – Text...

”I will Come to See You with a Visual Story” – Text Installation & Talk by Tran Trong Vu

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Installation showcase: 19 – 23 Mar 2014 (2nd floor)
Artist talk: Wed 19 Mar 2014, 7 pm
Manzi Art Space

From Manzi:

Images and languages are used as tools for human expression. They both are often being put together and sometime act as integral part of each other in order to bring multi-meanings & answers for an object.

Read the images and see the words, write a picture and draw and essay – we can call these the jobs of both art-makers and art-enjoyers. Read the images with words might be a fascinating way to break away from the images. Search for images in words can also be a nice suggestion to go beyond the words.

‘I will come to see you with a visual story’ will show to the audience the first part of Trần Trọng Vũ’s new art project, in which language and visual aspect are results of a series of extraordinary facts. This visit will also introduce other artworks of the project under the possible forms of literature and visual art.


Trần Trọng Vũ is a Vietnamese visual artist born in Hanoi, now lives and works in Paris. His work, beyond real aesthetics, reflects the obsession of the past, political and human derision. He paints on large transparent plastic sheets, then installs them in 3D version. The modes of presentation themselves maintain an ambiguous relationship with the viewers: Visitors should seek their path in the transparency between images, figures, colors, and behave as if they were on a stage. Vũ works on visual and psychological effects caused by the virtual maze of images… In 2011, he was awarded the prestigious Pollock-Krasner Grant in New York.

Free entry.



Manzi Art Space
14 Phan Huy Ich, Hanoi


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