Opening of Viet Pride 2014 at Goethe Institut

Opening of Viet Pride 2014 at Goethe Institut

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Photo by Jiri Pasz

Grand Opening: Fri 01 Aug 2014, 5.45 pm
Goethe Institut

From Goethe Institut:

Come to the opening of Viet Pride 2014 at Goethe Institut.

Languages: English-Vietnamese

Free Admission.

While the campaign to legalise same-sex marriage in Vietnam may have stalled for the moment, enthusiasm remains high as the nation prepares for the third annual LGBT Pride celebration – Viet Pride.

Under the theme ‘Together’, Viet Pride aims to sustain the momentum and solidarity amongst the diverse LGBT groups across the country, and also fostering the dialogues between LGBT community and strategic key partners including dedicated rights activists, supporting civil society organisations, relevant UN agencies and other allies in Vietnam.

Built on the success of previous campaigns, the event this year offers a wide range of activities, opportunities and platforms to embrace the diversity and dynamics of the movement; promote unity and coordination within LGBT-serving groups; facilitate interaction and communication within community and among participants in a cosy, vibrant and colourful atmosphere. Through solidarity and understanding, Viet Pride aims to harness the energy and strengthen the voice of LGBT people.

The event will take place over five days from August 01 to August 05 – with the capstone Viet Pride bicycle rally on Sunday August 03, an event celebrated widely in local and international media. Supporters are enthusiastically expecting a convoy of rainbow bikes, and volunteers with huge rainbow flags along the rally route in the centre of the capital. Such visibility carries the hope to gradually change the social attitude in Vietnam where homosexuality remains a taboo.

More information: and

Photo by Jiri Pasz

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