Painting Exhibition “Kê Ke” by Ha Hoang

Painting Exhibition “Kê Ke” by Ha Hoang

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Exhibition: 06 Jan – 06 Feb 2017
Ke Restaurant
81b Xuan Dieu Str, Hanoi

Update from the organizer: Ke Restaurant will close for Tet holiday on 25 Jan, re-open on 2 Feb

From the organizer:

Folk paintings have been an indispensable part of the Vietnamese tradition during Tet (Lunar New Year) for a long while. It is something even deeper and stronger than Chung cake, as the red couplets.

Each year is related to a sign of the zodiac according to the 12-year cycle, and year of the Rooster 2017 is coming on the air. The rooster is a vital part not only of folk paintings but also Vietnamese spirit which is well-known as Dai Cat, Thu Hung, Vinh Hoa, Ga Mai Tuc Moi. It generally reflects the meaning of life and human desires and also symbolizes the loyalty, a sociable nature and a punctuality that is bound to impress. This boisterous bird calls out dawn while proudly puffing his chest, signs up the awesomeness for a start.

Smelling the 2017 rooster spirit in obvious, our artist Ha Hoang has some outstanding folk paintings for Tet to share. A great occasion to come exploring the meaning of Roosters in Vietnamese culture, looking back to the pass one year or just simply sharing laughs, joy and spread your cheers.

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