Contact Improvisation Workshop with Daniel Mang

Contact Improvisation Workshop with Daniel Mang

09 am – 12 pm and 2 – 5 pm, Sun 17 Mar 2019
Padmeni Studio
3rd floor, Hàng Bè Market Building, No. 9 Vọng Hà, Hà Nội

From the organizer:

Contact Improv Hanoi is pleased to introduce to you Daniel Mang (US/Germany) in this exciting contact improvisation workshop.

“We will be working with the fundamentals of contact improvisation, such as: the relation to gravity, the physical contact between movers and the momentum of moving bodies; modulating tone, sharing weight, and waking up our reflexes and sense of balance. We will explore touch and movement as relational practices and situate our physical practice in the world. We will work with personal boundaries, communication, sensation and emotion, the gaze, economies of appreciation and more.” – Daniel Mang

All levels of experience and all kinds of bodies are welcome.


“Contact improvisation has been my primary movement practice since 1986. I also do aikido and am strongly influenced by the Feldenkrais method, Body Mind Centering and ideokinesis. I have been teaching contact improvisation since 1990 – mostly in Europe, but also in Asia and Australia. My pedagogy is informed by my background as a professional bodyworker, my studies in physiotherapy and osteopathy, my experience with various approaches to improving communication and resolving conflict, and by my politics. I am based in Sweden.” – Daniel Mang

Workshop fee:
Early-bird rate: 450,000vnd (400,000vnd for Contact Improv Hanoi students) if payment is made by Feb 28.
After Feb 28, the rate is 500,000vnd.
Workshop fee at the door is 500,000vnd if space is available.

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