Home Event Listings Discussion: “Atmosphere – A Journey of Finding New Aesthetics”

Discussion: “Atmosphere – A Journey of Finding New Aesthetics”

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Sat 29 Jun 2019, 7 pm – 9 pm
12 Hoa Ma, Hanoi

From the organizer:

Come interact and discuss with us about architecture on an weekend evening, with the theme: “Atmosphere – A Journey of Finding New Aesthetics”

Facilitator: Architect Hương Vũ – members of Association of German Architects, Berlin branch.

Topics to be discussed:
◼ Aesthetics
◼ Atmosphere: introspective creativity – invisible aesthetics
◼ Aura
◼ Atmosphere of materials
◼ Economic aesthetics
◼ Atmosphere of natural experiences
◼ Atmosphere of colors: Goethe’s theory of colors
◼ Atmosphere of sound: space and body of sound
◼ Light as atmosphere: do we see the light?
◼ Physiognomie: what did Socrates look like?
◼ Space, landscape and photography
◼ Some practical references

If you’re interested, please register via this link.

Follow updates on the event page.

Translated by Hanoi Grapevine

12 Hoa Ma, Hanoi
Tel: (84) 90 123 8008
Email: [email protected]
Opening hours: daily 8 am – 8 pm


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