Hanoi in Winter

Hanoi in Winter

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02 Jan 2021, 09 am – 01 pm
Líu Lô Arts & Craft
No.76, Alley 281, Tran Khat Chan street, District Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi

From the organizer:

Hanoi seems to has an irresistible beauty in these early days of winter. Everyday passing by and gazing, Liu Lo feels like the city is being filtered in a shade of color that no camera can capture. Perhaps that is why the Southern based painter Nguyen Ngoc Liem, who have been living in the four seasons sunshine could not refuse this chance of catching that freeze breeze of Hanoi’s winter.

During his 7-day residency at Liu Lo, painter Nguyen Ngoc Liem will spend time not only to admires the beauty of the capital but also to projecting that into his paintings. All the paintings, which have been composed within these 7 days, will be displayed at Liu Lo studio for everyone to come and enjoy.

Come with us for some wanderlust, a hot cup of tea, a piece of cakes and humorous stories telling about the city on the edge of the year, together with Liu Lo and our painter Liem.

Open for free (including teabreak for guests to chat)

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