In Progress – A Series of Art and Cultural Events

In Progress – A Series of Art and Cultural Events


01 Mar – 31 May 2021
Đà Nẵng, Đăk Lắk, Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Huế, TP Hồ Chí Minh và Ninh Bình

From British Council:

The British Council proudly presents In Progress, a series of art and cultural events taking place from March to May 2021 in many locations across Vietnam such as: Hai Phong, Ninh Binh, Hanoi, Hue, Danang, HCMC. Cutting across multiple disciplines, the In Progress will introduce 12 interesting events ranging from exhibition, multisensory puppet show, film screenings to a workshop bridging art and education, a new engagement with an old art form, and many more.

In the context that Covid-19 is still complicated, there is likely a change in time and organisation form for each event. During the time of the program, from March to May 2021, we will be closely monitoring the situation and ready to take necessary measures as well as cooperate with local government agencies to put all necessary measures in place. Follow our Website and Facebook for the update and further information about the 12 events.

With an aim of contributing to the enrichment of the cultural life of Vietnamese people by bringing diverse art and cultural events to the public; and to offer opportunity for cultural and creative hubs from different parts of the country to connect with each other and to work with artists and creative practitioners in designing and organising art and cultural events, in November 2020, under the Cultural and Creative Hubs Vietnam, we launched an open call to the artistic and creative community for proposals to organise art and cultural events in all parts of Vietnam. The response to the Open call has been overwhelming and 12 event proposals were selected to form In Progress that includes:

1. Abracadabra
A multi-media exhibition experimenting with healing thearapy

2. Virtual Private Network
A group exhibition
Vân Đỗ, Hà Ninh
Hà Nội

3. Little Peanut and the Sneeze Theory
A multisensory puppet show
Mat Tran Ensemble
Ninh Bình

4. Queer Museum
An experimental project with a library, an installation, a performance, workshops and talks
Đinh Thị Nhung
Hà Nội

5. Listen to the Little Ones
A series of art for children workshops and training of trainers
Thùy An
Đăk Lăk, TP Hồ Chí Minh

6. Like the Moon in a Night Sky
A Perspective of Vietnamese Cinema
Trung tâm hỗ trợ phát triển tài năng Điện ảnh TPD
TP Hồ Chí Minh

7. Mommy’s Heart
An educational concert and storytelling programme for young families and children aged 0-12
Phạm Thị Hoài Anh
Hà Nội

8. I Write (in Vietnamese)
A series of exhibition, discussion, and poetry reading
Tổ Chim Xanh – Bluebirds’ Nest
Hà Nội

9. The Title is A Work in Progress
A public art event
Mơ Đơ

10. Hải Phòng: A Week of Culture and Creativity
Art Festival
Không gian Văn hóa Sáng tạo Cửa Biển – Hải Phòng
Hải Phòng

11. Mắt Xẩm
A series of exhibition, mini concert, and audience-interactive activities
Chèo 48h – Tôi Chèo về quê hương
Hà Nội

12. Wandering/Sheltering
A concert and film screening event
Bảo Tàng Thấu Cảm
Hà Nội

One of the challenges that In Progress posed to all participating artists and creatives was to reach out to the harder to reach groups, and to thrive to create tangible values for those who might not have previously been benefiting from independent artistic and cultural practices. All 12 projects have taken up this challenge brilliantly by not only aiming to reach people who live outside of mega-city areas, but also by demonstrating how the arts and culture can become effective vehicles in exploring, understanding and improving many aspects of life for a wide range of audiences of different age groups and backgrounds, thus contributing to enhance people’s awareness and well-being.

In Progress is truly an unprecedented opportunity for creative hubs and cultural practitioners to connect with artists across the country and thereby reaching out of their areas to new groups of audiences, shared by Vu Thi Thanh Binh, project manager of Hai Phong: A week of Culture and creativity. Meanwhile, Tran Duy Hung, project manager of Như Trăng Trong Đêm’ has good expression that In Progress is an exciting project with a look of a festival. The program is highly valued for its diversity in the content, in form of presentation as well as difference in location of events. I do hope this will be a stepping stone for many similar programs from the British Council in the future.

We invite you to follow and take part in these 12 wonderful art and cultural projects. We hope you will discover In Progress as an opportunity for the young generation of Vietnamese artists and creatives to demonstrate how the arts and culture can make a positive change to our society and the world we live in today.

About the British Council
The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We work with over 100 countries in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Last year we reached over 75 million people directly and 758 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications. We make a positive contribution to the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. Founded in 1934 we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. We receive 15 per cent core funding grant from the UK government.

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