Home Event Listings Art One Endless Summer

One Endless Summer

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Tues – Sun, 16 May – 04 July 2021, 10 am – 07 pm
Mơ Art Space
No 136 Hàng Trống, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội

From the organizer:

This May, Mơ Art Space coordially invites our art lovers to “One Endless Summer” – a solo showcase by artist Đỗ Trọng Quý. Inspired by one-liner jokes, his large-scale paintings are still life landscapes of mixed playfulness and subtle irony, depicting the mundane woes of human life.

For the past year, Quý has incorporated imagery from his toy collection – including cars, boats, animals, and tiny people – into landscapes of household objects, creating dramatic encounters in the capricious world of figures.

The world of Quý’s toys is a binary world of figuration and abstraction, where placement of the toys retains an aesthetic appeal as ‘still life painting’, while at the same time forms a complete bond between the objects. In “One Endless Summer”, the artist chooses an assertion of the everyday life to lavish his scrutiny on small objects to offer other narratives to the commonplace. Quý’s toys are indeed an equivalence with the most celebrated of objects.

Đỗ Trọng Quý (b. 1994, Hanoi) graduated from Hanoi College of Art, then pursued his training in painting at Vietnam University of Fine Arts, 57th class of 2020.
Since his junior year, he has collaborated with Đông Phong Gallery. ‘One Endless Summer’ presents his latest artworks completed within the past year, and depicts his emotional experiences through inanimate toys.

Quynh-Chi Nguyen (b. 2000, Hanoi) is a junior majoring in art & architecture history at Miami University, Ohio, with minors in studio art and communication design. Her research interests include image, social media, identity politics, and critical theory at the cross-section of visual studies and cultural production.

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