Home Event Listings 1936


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Sat 30 Oct 2021, 04 pm
Live on ZOOM and Livestream to YouTube
Registration link

From the organizer:

1936 comprises a series of semantic and somatic exchanges between two characters taking place simultaneously in a realm where time warps and space bends. Extracted from a myriad of conversations, personal archives and muscle memories revisited, isolated form their original contexts, then undergone a process of perpetual deconstruction and reconfiguration — what materialises before the eyes is a chaotic mass of recollections and ruminations masquerading as static screens and repetitive movements.

This performance forms the second chapter in choreographer Ngô Thanh Phương’s three-year collective project “Through the Door then…” — with the first ‘Mình Mình Thì…’ depicting human bodies and psyches under hostile surveillance and physical confinement. Such qualities seem to recede from the stage in 1936 as now both of the performers and viewers are presumably broadcasting and participating from their private homes voluntarily.

1936 Gang
“What is really happening at the moment…”

– Concept & constructed by: Ngô Thanh Phương
– Assistant: Nguyễn Hạ Xuân Nguyên
– Co-created & co-executed by: Trần Diễm Phương, Nguyễn Hạ Xuân Nguyên
– Dramaturg: Linh Lê
– Producer: Red
– Technicians: Red, Nguyên Nguyễn, Ngô Thanh Phương
– Media: Dạ Ly Nguyễn, Duyen, Lạc Tiên
– Graphic designer: Dan Ni
– Trailer: Duy Anh (vudieunongsay)
– Trailer Animation: Lý Xuân Trường Thành

* Duration: 40 mins
* Language: Vietnamese (ZOOM), English subtitles (YouTube)
* Audience limit: 100 participants
* Registration time: from 18 Oct 2021 until reaching audience limitation

Note: ZOOM participation is only available for Laptop/computer users. For Ipad/Smartphone or tablet users, please register to join the event via YouTube Livestream.

“Through the door then…” is a long-term project founded by artist Ngô Thanh Phương in early 2021, stemming from her personal query about the diverse possibilities of expression of the “body” as well as the human connection in different spaces and realities. As an experimental journey taking place in the “new normal” era, the project was developed based on miscellaneous dialogues between the project’s companions in their process of adapting and playing with “new” performance spaces.

“1936” is presented by MORUA and funded by Asian Cultural Council, Kelola Foundation, Southeast Asia Choreographers Network (SEACN) within the framework of the Challenge Award 2021 and supported under the Dance Nucleus’s ARTEFACT#2 Creative Residency.

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