Home Event Listings Art Performance Cõi Thinh Không – Inspiration from the Traditional Art of Tuồng

Performance Cõi Thinh Không – Inspiration from the Traditional Art of Tuồng

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Wed 29 Dec 2021, 07:30 pm – 08:45 pm
Centre for Art & Culture at 22 Hang Buom
22 Hang Buom, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi
Registration link

From Unleashing Creativity Week:

“Cõi Thinh Không” to be performed at 22 Hang Buom is not only a mere intepretation of the music and acting of the classical tuồng (Vietnamese genre of opera), it is the point of connection between the traditional art of tuồng and its characters – to the audience in the present and the future. The performance is promised to offer a fresh new space and emotions, and most importantly an unforgettable memory.

Electronic music not only serves as an epic and poignant undertone alongside traditional sound, adding metaphoric meaning and motifs for each character and arc, but also reflects the indispensable development and connection of “Cõi Thinh Không” to the contemporary audience.

“Cõi Thinh Không” is inspired by the SƠN HẬU (meaning: behind the mountain), the most famous and classic tuồng play, uniting the fundamental featres of this perforing art, from the story to the acting. SƠN HẬU profoundly portrays the beauty of the Vietnamese’s soul – warm-hearted, sincere and grateful. Classical tuồng conveys a majestic narrative with martyrs who sacrificed themselves for their country and for the greater causes, and life lessons between what’s of common interest and what’s of one’s own, between the family and the nation, in which, epicness is considered the prominent aesthetic feature of this traditional art form.

Nguyen Quoc Hoang Anh
Artistic Director & Music Producer
Ha Nguyen Long
Scenographer & Stage Designer
– Manager
Lê Minh Quân

People’s Artist Nguyễn Văn Thuỷ as Tạ Ôn Đình
Meritorious Artist Đặng Bá Tài as Khương Linh Tá
Nguyễn Trung Hiếu as K
Meritorious Artist Nguyễn Đức Mười: traditional percussions
Meritorious Artist Nguyễn Văn Bút: traditional trumpet & gourd zither
Artist Nguyễn Đức Tý: traditonal fiddle
Artist Lê Duy: lip lute & bamboo flute

See you at the performance to enjoy this one of a kind Tuồng play!

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Unleashing Creativity Week
[email protected]


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