Workshop: On intellectual property rights: Whose cat is this?

Workshop: On intellectual property rights: Whose cat is this?

Posted on

25 & 26 Feb 2023, 09 am – 05 pm
Tổ Cà Phê
59 Lê Lợi, Đà Nẵng
Registration link (20 people)
Deadline for registration: 20 Feb 2023

Thông tin từ ban tổ chức:

Creative works are like cats, once out and about, no one knows whose it is. Even if you put a collar on it, the cat might meet a stranger who tries to take it off (the type of guy who wears a black mask and lurks in the night), and bam, suddenly the cat is no longer yours.

While cats in the Western world have started having chips installed under their skin for identification, cats in Vietnam are still wandering in the night and the invisible fear of their owners. The same story goes for intellectual property, in our country, a concern is always present for creatives: who will it belong to after it is brought to the public eye?

The workshop: “Whose cat is it? – On intellectual property rights” is about such cats. The workshop will discuss protecting and enacting intellectual property rights in arts and culture, with the aim to provide fundamental knowledge and skills to effectively protect and utilise intellectual property rights and copyright for artists, creative practitioners and entrepreneurs in Vietnam.

The workshop is within the framework of the project Strengthening Intellectual Property Enforcement in Vietnam by the Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS) in collaboration with the Copyright Office of Vietnam (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), with the support from the UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD). The workshop is organised by Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies – VICAS and Đà Nẵng Tui with the support from Hanoi Grapevine and Vietnam’s Creative Hub Initiative (ViCHI).

The workshop will be facilitated by lawyer Phan Vũ Tuấn, Vice President of Ho Chi Minh City Intellectual Property Association and Arbitrator at the Pacific International Arbitration Centre (PIAC).

(*) Strengthening Intellectual Property Enforcement in Vietnam (SIPE) is a project by Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS) in collaboration with the Copyright Office of Vietnam (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) from March 2022 to March 2023, the support from the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD). The project includes a series of activities, such as research and evaluation, seminars, training and workshops… aiming to improve the protection and the implementation efficiency of intellectual property rights in Vietnam, realising the missions set in the Strategy for the Development of cultural industries in Vietnam to 2020, with a vision to 2030, contributing to the sustainable development of creative and cultural industries in the country.


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