Exhibition “Have Been – Eternally”

Exhibition “Have Been – Eternally”

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10 am – 06:30 pm, 26 Oct – 24 Nov 2023
Hanoi Studio Gallery
No. 23-25 Mạc Đĩnh Chi, Trúc Bạch, Ba Đình, Hà Nội

From the organizer:

Like small sandcrab running back and forth
Along small sand dunes.
Only to be swept away by the waves.

Awareness of existence and presence within the whirlwind of time is always a perennial anxiety for each individual. What are we doing here? Drifting, not connecting with the future, the past, or the present. Lâm Na is no exception. There are times when she seems to be in a trance. Just existing, breathing, looking to see everything drifting away, fading, and disappearing. A dreamer. Then, she encounters Earth. A meeting of a thousand years. Lâm Na, reborn through connecting with the Earth.

Lâm Na meets Earth, with the will and the instinct of humanity, desiring to change and renew the Earth. Meanwhile, Earth, with its calm and nurturing nature, becomes a companion to her, wandering in the realm of emotions and thoughts. Earth nourishes people, people merge with the Earth, live their lives with the Earth, transform the Earth, give birth and return to the Earth. The ancient memory of Mother Nature, Earth, silent with layer upon layer of ancient sorrows, eternal stories.

With its language, Earth narrates to Lâm Na stories of a thousand years, about what has happened, about the starting point, the end, birth, death, creation, and decay. Lâm Na, as a messenger, brings these stories and fuses them with the fire of change, turning stories of what has happened into a continuum. She unearths buried memories and breathes new life into them through patterns that continue to unfold over the ages, with dots, lines, circles, spirals, and veins, all symbolizing the awareness of continuity and repetition. These fingerprint marks are like firm affirmations of presence, even if only for a fleeting moment, sudden marks in time, space, Earth, and people.

People have come and gone, but Earth remains forever, those traces, those relics, persist. And one day, they awaken with a different will, a different form, leaving behind the next step in the thousand-year story.

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