At The Intersection: A Book Showcase From The Netherlands

At The Intersection: A Book Showcase From The Netherlands

07 am – 09 am, 28 Oct – 18 Nov 2023
Là Giấy Coffee
82 Bình Hòa 15, Khuê Trung, Cẩm Lệ, Đà Nẵng

From the organizer:

“At The Intersection: A Book Showcase From The Netherlands” is a travelling exhibition initiated by Matca with the purpose of presenting a selection of publications from the Netherlands using photography as their main medium. The titles on display were curated in collaboration with The Eriskay Connection, a studio for book design and publishing house focused on contemporary storytelling at the intersection of photography, research, and writing in order to provide new and necessary insights into the world around us.

The 18 showcased publications had travelled a great distance to reach Vietnam, conveying a diverse range of topics such as: The landscape of maritime transports in the Netherlands as sketched from personal interests in “I’m Looking for a Ship”, looking for clues of women’s contributions in modern nuclear and computer science through “Klara And The Bomb”, reflection on the contradictory symbiotic relationship between humans and domestic animals in “Horse and Novogen”, personal experiences under a population policy in “The Land Of Promises” or witty satire on a failed experiment that troubled the scientific community from “The Speed Of Light”. The authors demonstrated multi-dimensional, multi-linear perspectives when standing at the intersection of past, future, and present. The usage of alternative visual materials such as archival images, topographic maps, scientific documents, or images from family albums demonstrated efforts in diversifying storytelling strategies within the domains of photography and printed matter. The Eriskay Connection values close collaborations with authors while striving to work with local producers and sustainable materials, as well as establishing connections with bookstores and cultural hubs all over the world.

The travelling showcase will make its first stop at Là Giấy Coffee, Da Nang, from 28 Oct – 18 Nov 2023 before continuing its journey to Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. The showcase is organised with support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vietnam.

About Matca & The Eriskay Connection:

Matca is an independent, non-profit initiative dedicated to photography as a form of visual art. Founded in 2016, Matca has evolved across platforms, including but not limited to an online journal, a physical space, and an imprint. The open organisational structure allows us to experiment and adapt to the changing local context.

The Eriskay Connection is a Dutch studio for book design and an independent publisher based in Breda, the Netherlands. Their focus is on exploring contemporary storytelling through high-quality editing, design, and production, to best convey the essence of authors’ works in their editions.

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