Home Event Listings Art Talk: “When Engineers work with artists”

Talk: “When Engineers work with artists”

02:30 pm – 03:30 pm, Sun 03 Dec 2023
Online – Google Meet
Registration link

From Vietnam Festival of Creativity & Design:

In the talk “When Engineers work with artists”, listen and discuss with MakerLab engineer team about data technology, smart device systems (IoT) and the application of these technologies in artistic practices.

The talk will focus on Data Visualisation, AI/Machine Learning, and IoT. Through notable examples of technology application in art projects such as “Ground Resistance” (Wesley Goatley & Georgina Voss, 2016) and “And They Die a Natural Death” (Nguyễn Trinh Thi, 2022), the event will offer artists and engineers necessary tools and keywords to assist their collaboration process for art.



MakerLab is a makerspace established with the aim of promoting the maker culture within the community. MakerLab’s areas of expertise include research and production of hardware, as well as providing consultancy, support and organising activities related to electronics, robotics, AI, IoT and more.


Ddur.production (Đủ – production) is an open collective of coordinators, artists and curators that realizes projects/services related to the arrangement of exhibitions, with a primary emphasis on creating connections and enhancing the engagement of the attendees. Ddur handles every aspect of exhibition coordination, starting from generating ideas, to implementing curatorial practices, selecting suitable venues, installing artworks, designing exhibition catalogs, and promoting events across various social media platforms.

Vietnam Festival of Creativity & Design is organised by RMIT University Vietnam in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS) and partners including individuals, groups, organisations, enterprises in the creative industries, with Behalf Studio as the creative partner and Hanoi Grapevine as the media partner.

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Vietnam Festival of Creativity & Design


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