Exhibition “The Sun’s Reflection”

Exhibition “The Sun’s Reflection”

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10 am – 07 pm, Tues – Sun, 08 May – 09 June 2024
Gate Gate Gallery
55 Văn Miếu, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Registration link

From the organizer:

Gate Gate Gallery will officially introduce the exhibition “The Sun’s Reflection”, introducing 12 latest works created in 2024 by artist Le Quynh Anh.

The works in this exhibition have the theme “The Sun’s Reflection”, with titles reminiscent of brilliant summers in the places the artist has lived and visited. Between the different formal frames, the audience may perceive the lines converging and bulging or fading according to the artist’s breathing and arm movements, adding unevenness and expression to the surface of works. Each work exudes the accumulation or condensation of time, sometimes patiently waiting for a spontaneous or self-conscious subtle streak of Quynh Anh.

We also may have the impression of the hustle and bustle at “Shibuya #1”, “Shibuya #2”, or “Shinjuku” – the most crowded major stations in Tokyo, but also sense the tranquillity to the point hear the sounds of nature in “Still in Fukui, a sunny afternoon in July” or “Midday Dream”, from the gentle serenity in “Sunset afternoon in Kobe” to the heart-wrenching frustration in “Paris, Summer 2018”. A ‘déjà vu’ in symbolism, like a piece of music that seems to have captured the rhythm then changes to a completely different tune, full of surprise and adventure.

Le Quynh Anh graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (2018) and a Master’s degree in Fine Arts (2020) from Vietnam University of Fine Arts. Though known for realism/ semi-realism paintings, since 2023, Le Quynh Anh has officially pursued abstract art as her prominent form of expression. Always trying many approaches, diversifying expression styles and above all, maintaining her purity in illuminating reflective memories, Le Quynh Anh received positive reviews from art experts domestically and internationally. Notable exhibitions include: The 58th Shutai Exhibition at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Japan, 2023), 3D virtual exhibition “”I AM AN ARTIST”” organized by Kita Kamakura Artisans (Japan & America, 2023), The 76th Fine Art Exhibition of the Women Artists Association at Tokyo Art Museum (Japan, 2023), Art on Loop London Exhibition (UK, 2023),… Currently, Le Quynh Anh lives and works in Hanoi.

– To ensure quietness and appropriate space for the exhibition, each session is limited to a maximum of 20 guests, so guests may need to wait for their turn.
– Visitors are kindly requested to read carefully and follow the exhibition’s visiting regulations.
– Visitors by default agree to allow Gate Gate Gallery to use all images/materials of the event for the purposes of archiving, writing articles, research, education, and media promotion.

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