Home Event Listings Interactive Exhibition “Touch the Sound” and Discussion “Fill in the Blank”

Interactive Exhibition “Touch the Sound” and Discussion “Fill in the Blank”

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Exhibition: 18 – 20 Sep 2019, 10 am – 8 pm
Discussion: Fri 20 Sep 2019, 6.30 – 9 pm
Goethe Institut
56-58 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

From Goethe Institut:

“Other Hearing sexual minorities have a lot of organizations to count on, but Deaf and Hard of Hearing LGBT+ people have almost no such organizations. So I want to found an organization on behalf of us, nationwide.” [Thao – a Deaf, Queer person living in Ha Noi]

As Thao’s fingers move, ideas start to take shape. And the very first sounds of a person who has lived her whole life without spoken words are heard, surprisingly, with the eyes. The very music given forth from the silent motion of her fingers has inspired her compassionate Hearing friends to initiate a project that would set the stage for other Hearing youths to discover and touch the sounds that shape the world of Deaf and Hard of Hearing sexual minorities.

Chance encounters with Deaf and Hard of Hearing LGBT+ people have led two young queer leaders to rethink many things they’ve learned in life up until that point. Life as they know it is not a picture well-completed but is full of missing pieces. And that’s how the project, given an apposite name “Fill in the Blank” came to be.

The first project of its kind, “Fill in the Blank” is born out of a desire to empower minorities who are too often marginalized in our society. The exhibition, titled “Touch the Sound”, showcases photos that capture the authentic experiences of Deaf and Hard of Hearing sexual minorities. It also features interactive sessions that take Hearing people on a journey away from the world of sounds to come closer to the world of Deaf and Hard of Hearing LGBT+ people – also your guides.

– Time | September 18 – 20, 2019 from 10 AM – 8 PM
– Venue | Goethe-Institut, 56-60 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi

The exhibition is followed by an open discussion titled “Fill in the Blank” between Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Hearing LGBT+ people that seeks to build rapport and foster understanding between these two groups. By sharing experiences and ideas, we hope to create a platform where collaborative initiatives are born and moved forward into action and where no one is left behind.

– Time | September 20, 2019 from 6.30 PM – 9 PM
– Venue | Goethe-Institut, 56-60 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi

Have we already listened to all the sounds of life? This project will guide you to the answer of this question.

This project is implemented by NextGEN Hà Nội and funded by Institute for Studies of Society, Economy and Environment (iSEE), Irish Aid and Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS). The venue is kindly sponsored by Goethe-Institut.

Goethe-Institut Hanoi
56-58 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Tel.: +84 24 3734 2251
Fax: +84 24 3734 2254
[email protected]


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