Berlinale Shorts Go Abroad in HCMC

Berlinale Shorts Go Abroad in HCMC

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Berlinale Shorts 1

15 and 16 Aug 2014, 7 pm
Culture Salon Cafe Thứ Bảy

From Goethe Institut:

The Berlinale Shorts will be presented by the Goethe Institute in nine South-East Asian countries. For the first time they are welcomed by the Goethe Institute in Ho Chi Minh City Shorts in its cultural salon at the 15th and 16th of August at 7pm. Berlinale Shorts will also be presented in Hanoi on 08 and 09 Aug.

In the series “Berlinale Shorts Go Abroad” short films of the International Film Festival of Berlin go on a journey. Ten short movies were chosen to be shown in the Goethe Institute Hanoi at the 8th and 9th of August at 7pm.

“The Berlinale Shorts are a forum for the short form in the festival. A place for uncompromising films, which take an undisguised look on the present. Filmmakers are artists, who are aware of the formal possibilities and furthermore have the whole picture of cinematography in sight. Berlinale Shorts are films, which go beyond the event and contribute to the understanding. At once around the globe and back. The beginning is everywhere and here and now.” Maike Mia Höhne, curator of the Berlinale Shorts, invites the hanoian audience: “Please come and see by yourself!”

This year the short movies deal with very current topics. They range from surreal to real, from marvelous to cruel. The movies discuss a world which changes dramatically and endangers nature. This world forces nature to accommodate itself to it. To be ruthlessly and without morals. But the movies also talk about war and grief: How can you face them? How can you handle them? And what follows?

A highlight of the programs is surely the movie “Three Stones for Jean Ginet” which has already won an award and which will be played on several festivals this year. It is about desire and promises, a city, a friendship and the narration of a hidden story.

Berlinale Shorts 2

The International Film Festival of Berlin, also well-known as Berlinale, is the major film festival in Germany as well as the major audience festival worldwide. Films of all kinds of genre, length and format find a place in the several sections of the Berlinale. (Please find further information here.)

Berlinale Shorts in HCMC – Programme I
15.08.2014, 7pm

1. Marc Jacobs
17 minutes/Director: Sam de Jong/Netherland
A journey to the country of his ancestors – Marocco. But where does Soufiane really arrive?

10 minutes/Director: Reka Bucsi/Hungary
Animation film: How would it be, if animals were humans?

3. Birds
15 minutes/Director: Ulu Braun/Germany
Birds in urban habitats – Quo vadis, bird?

4. A Paradise
14 minutes/Director: Jayisha Patel/Cuba
A family is mourning the death of her son. The province is known for the tragic fact concerning the high suicide rate amongst youth.

5. Taprobana
24 minutes/Director: Gabriel Abrantes/Portugal, Sri Lanka & Danemark
Taprobana, now known as Sri Lanka, at the end of the 16th century. The Poet Luiz Vas de Camoes is writing his heroic history of Portuguese conquests.

Berlinale Shorts 3

Berlinale Shorts in HCMC – Programme II
16.08.2014, 7pm

1. Smile, and the world will smile back
21 minutes/Director: B´Tselem/Israel & Palestin
A night like so many nights in Hebron, on the West Bank, under the occupation.

2. The white roses
20 minutes/Director: Diogo Costa Amarante/Portugal & USA
The memories of the mother are evoked by images enclosed inside Gabriel’s amulet.

3. Three stones for Jean Genet
7 minutes/Director: Frieder Schlaich/Germany
There are places of yearning. There are promises that accompany us our entire lives

4. The big house
25 minutes/Director: Juliette Touin/Cuba
A group of heavily pregnant women live in an old mansion in Cuba. They are waiting for what will come and don’t know what lies before them.

5. Wonder
8 minutes/Director: Mirai Mizue/Japan & France
Animation film: Music and sound, sequences of colour and movement.

Language: Original Language, Vietnamese and English Subtitles.

Free entry to the Screenings.

Culture Salon Cafe Thứ Bảy
1st Floor, 19B Phạm Ngọc Thạch, Dist. 3, HCMC

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