Duo Parallel Asteroid and the Talented Young Musicians of DomDom at Manzi

Duo Parallel Asteroid and the Talented Young Musicians of DomDom at Manzi

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Parallel Asteroid and Domdom

Fri 01 May 2015, 8 pm
Manzi Art Space

From Manzi:

HOT HOT HOT: One more chance to enjoy the special taste of Duo Parallel Asteroid and the talented young musicians of DomDom.

After an impressively successful concert at L’Espace on 22/04/2015, to response to the enthusiasm of the Hanoi audience, DomDom – The Hub for experimental music in collaboration with Manzi Art Space– proudly dedicate to you one more performance with PARALLEL ASTEROID and DOMDOM YOUNG MUSICIANS

The performance will be followed by an meeting and talk session with the musicians.

Free Entry.

Manzi Art Space
14 Phan Huy Ich, Hanoi


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