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Tịch mịch

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08 pm, Tues 23 Jan 2024
Manzi Artspace
14 Phan Huy Ích, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Surcharge: 250.000 đ / person (incl one drink)
Registration link

From the organizer:

“In perfect stillness or deep, full silence, yet, there are myriad of sounds…”

The energy of sound waves
& The counterforce of emotions
Stimulations in the outer space
& Instant reactions of the inner body
A tremble, A vibration, A sigh,…
All of these coincidences both come into being and fade away in the last concert of this Cat year at manzi. Four female artists with diverse backgrounds and various musical colors will listen, feel, be in monologue or dialogue with each other and with the audience.
With the sophistication in exploiting different forms of sound from the famous Vietnamese traditional musical instrument – Đàn Bầu (monochord), the diversity in vocal expressions are combined with electronic elements in shades we have never before encountered, this improvised performance suggests a new space of stillness/ silence/solitude, where the ‘so-called’ absence of sound and emptiness of time be presented and be heard.

About artists

Ngô Trà My is Đàn Bầu lecture in Vietnam National Academy of Music. She is one of the famous Đàn Bầu soloists in Viet Nam. Her fields of activities are teaching, performing, and researching traditional, contemporary and experimental music. She has participated in many art events in Vietnam and around the world. Trà My is the Vietnamese representative Music Committee and a member of the Asia Traditional Orchestra, the advisor of the C aseanConsonant Ensemble member of The Six Tones international experimental music group, Thang Long traditional music group, MMTM new music group.

Vũ Thị Thùy Linh is a singer and wooden block player in Ả Đào (Ca Trù) performance.
She studied Đàn Tam Thập Lục (Vietnamese hammered Dulcimer) at Vietnam National Academy of Music from 1999 to 2011. Since 2011, she has become a teacher in the traditional music department at Vietnam National Academy of Music. In 2016, she earned her master degree in program “Methods in teaching Đàn Tam Thập Lục”. From 2008 to 2010, she studied and performed with Thăng Long Ả Đào Club. Thùy Linh had a great opportunity to study Ả Đào with the late artisan NGUYỄN Thị Chúc from 2009 to 2014. She is the co-founder of Phú Thị Ả Đào Group which was established in 2014. And since 2019, Thùy Linh has co-organized and performed Ả Đào monthly at Cao Sơn Trà Quán in Hanoi. Thùy Linh earned numerous awards in her career and represents Vietnamese Ả Đào singing in international events and festivals.

Lương Huệ Trinh obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Jazz Keyboard at Vietnam National Academy of Music in 2010. Since then, she has focused on electroacoustic music. From 2015 to 2018, she pursued a master degree in Multimedia Composition and ‘New Techniques in Composition’ Program at Hochschule für Musik & Theater Hamburg via the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship.
LƯƠNG is interested in exploring traditional and experimental elements in music and visuals, in scenography, and in organizing site-specific performances. Not only active as a composer but also an improviser, her work has been performed in many different countries in Asia, Europe, Australia, Americas, and Africa.

Marijana Janevska born in 1990 in Skopje, Macedonia, is a composer and performer.
She studied violin and composition at the Faculty of Music in Skopje. In 2020 she completed her master degree in composition with Ming Tsao, Gordon Williamson and Joachim Heintz at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover. She is currently studying there in the Solo Klass program for composition under the direction of Aaron Cassidy, Gordon Williamson and Joachim Heintz. She has written solo, chamber, choir, orchestra and electronic music.
Her works have been performed at numerous concerts and festivals, including: Musik21 Festival, ZKM Next Generation Festival, Klangbrücken Festival, TRAIECT Festival, Hellwach Festival, ICSC, Music BIENNALE, Tage für neue Musik in Zürich, TIEM Festival in Teheran and so on. She has received first prize at the “9th Pre-Art competition for young composers” in Zurich, “Klaus Hubert Composition Prize”; for electronic music, as well as scholarship for composition from the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung and Deutschen Musikrat

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