Finest Artists 2024: Vân-Nhi Nguyễn

Finest Artists 2024: Vân-Nhi Nguyễn

Vân-Nhi Nguyễn

Year of birth: 1999

Field: Photography

About the artist: Vân-Nhi Nguyễn is a photographer and artist based in Hanoi, Vietnam. Her work touches on cultural identities and social concerns via aesthetic research and theatrical staging, proposes interpretations and challenges stereotypical assumptions. Vân-Nhi holds a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design from Liverpool John Moores University, UK.

Remarkable activities/projects in 2023 – 2024: In 2023, she was present in multiple art exhibitions and festivals in the country and abroad, notably her solo exhibitions “Hundreds Years of Happiness” (Hong Kong International Photo Festival) and “As You Grow Older” (New York, Mỹ) and the exhibition “Imaging Rhizome” (RABA, Tokyo, Japan). She also participated as an artist in the annual “Plat(t)form” (Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland); and a finalist for the Prize for Women in Photography of V&A Parasol Foundation (London, UK); she was also a speaker at the roundtable discussion “Journey of Female Photographers” as part of Photo Hanoi ’23 (VCCA, Hanoi), and “Women in Film & Photography, Bodies” (Objectif Centre for Photography & Film, Singapore).

Vote here

Aperture Foundation
Aperture Foundation
HKIPF – One Thousand Years of Happiness
V&A Museum group show

HANOI GRAPEVINE’s FINEST is an annual event that honors contemporary art projects in Vietnam. The event is organized and nominated by Hanoi Grapevine and the general audience.

The event aims to honor individuals, organizations, creative art projects & activities as well as artists who are 35 or younger who have made impacts on the community in order to encourage the development of local creative arts, to promote greater communication and to further spread the influence of art and culture in the community.

In an effort to give the most comprehensive and objective view, HANOI GRAPEVINE’s FINEST always offers different formats in each edition. This year, Hanoi Grapevine’s Finest 2024 is divided into two major categories: Honouring and Recognition.

Nominees List

Hanoi Grapevine’s Finest Overview (PDF)

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Hanoi Grapevine


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