Triển lãm “Nhà”

Triển lãm “Nhà”

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24 May – 02 June 2024
Manzi Exhibition Space
02 ngõ Hàng Bún, Ba Đình, Hà Nội

From the organizer:

Home – we leave (to return), we return (only to leave again).

Home – some build it, others knock it down, and a few search for it indefinitely.

It’s a concept that everyone knows but may never touch. It’s an art exhibition not meant to be understood but to be felt. So how does one proceed?

Six artists peeled back every layer until they found “home” in its rawest form.

A mother laid her babies on the silk canvas soft as a lullaby. Another rubbed the gnawing sensation of loss on lacquer. One seeks out nostalgia in the act of gathering among humans and other living beings. A historian pores over ancient culture only to discover the lasting artifact that is maternal love. A friend finds that nurture & love aren’t necessarily fueled by blood relations. A nomad crisscrosses the earth only to realize home has accompanied them all along.

Here, every image, whether foreign or familiar, will awaken some deep corners of one’s subconscious. The sensation is akin to walking around & stumbling upon a memory of home.

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