Home Event Listings Photo, Film, Video Hanoi International Film Festival 2012

Hanoi International Film Festival 2012

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Hanoi International Film Festival: 25 – 29 Nov 2012

From the organizer:
Hanoi International Film Festival is a chance to honor outstanding cinematographic group rich in humanity and artistic value. The festival aims to explore and encourage new Vietnamese talents in the countries in Asia – Pacific region for exchange of experience among film industries in these countries. Vietnam has 2 works to contribute to the festival: God-Destined Hero and Passion.
See the program schedule, click here.


  1. Dear Team,
    I ve just seen the banner on the street today.
    You have any idea where to buy the ticket? Im trying to read there page however It show only filming time for reporters..

  2. Tickets are on sales at the cinemas, but we don’t know exactly how much they are.
    Vé được bán tại các rạp chiếu phim, nhưng chúng tôi hiện ko biết chính xác giá vé là bao nhiêu.

  3. So does the public have to ask at the respective cinemas? I can’t find a programme for which films are shown when and where. How is one supposed to know when to go?

  4. Hi everyone, we’ve just contacted the HANIFF people and the thing is.. they haven’t even got the final schedule and ticket system fixed yet(!) They promise to get all info sorted out before the film fest, so just remember to keep an eye on their site from now until then.
    Chào các bạn, Grapevine vừa liên hệ với HANIFF về vấn đề lịch chiếu phim và giá vé, tuy nhiên bản thân nhà tổ chức cũng chưa có thông tin chính thức và cụ thể. HANIFF chỉ có thể hứa là toàn bộ thông tin sẽ được đưa ra trước lễ khai mạc, vì vậy, mong các bạn tiếp tục theo dõi website của họ và chờ để biết thêm chi tiết.

    Xin chân thành cảm ơn / Thank you very much!

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