The Showcase: Hua Vi Van – “Dreamland”
27 Jan – 20 Feb 2021
Mon – Fri: 08 am – 07:30 pm
Sat – Sun: 08 am – 04:30 pm
Toong Co-working Space
1Bis Phạm Ngọc Thạch, District 1, HCMC
From the organizer:
The debut exhibition marks the return of actor – artist Hua Vi Van to fine art. Combining 26 abstract paintings, ‘Dreamland’ becomes a gateway to the artist’s depth of soul, tangibilizing unnamed emotions never expressed before on the cinema screen.
‘Dreamland’ is curated by GocCreation into Toong workspace Pham Ngoc Thach, HCMC. The return of Hua Vi Van to fine art brings us great inspiration, conveying the message that creative disciplines, abilities, and career paths are but limits. We can practice and acquire cross-industry knowledge, broadening our sensory horizon via meaningful interactions with art. We hope to offer the opportunity to experience and grow through art to the entrepreneurs and intellectuals working at Toong, and also to the community of individuals who appreciate the beauty and are seeking poignant aesthetic explorations.
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