Trình diễn “Vỏ, Thở”

Trình diễn “Vỏ, Thở”

Đăng vào

Performance The Cover The Breath

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19:00, thứ sáu 24/02/2012
Studio ở Đào Anh Khánh
Số 7/462 Ngọc Thụy, Long Biên, Hà Nội

Thông tin từ nhà tổ chức:
Mời bạn đến thưởng thức buổi biểu diễn nghệ thuật đương đại của các đạo diễn: nghệ sĩ Đào Anh Khánh và nghệ sĩ nghệ thuật video và vẽ trên cơ thể Vũ Mạnh Phương

Để biết thêm chi tiết, xem bên dưới:

Performance The Cover The Breath


  1. Does it not revving motorbikes as part of art-act-performance also contribute to the already polluted environment ?
    How is that supposed to combat the problem by revving some more… and burning some more… and telling everyone that if it’s art then its OK, because it supposedly makes us “more aware'” of the problem?

    Tacky entertainment and objectionable delivery…questionable art.. disappointed….

  2. Đào Anh Khánh and Phương Vũ Mạnh’s performance last Friday night was a little disappointing to some people. I applaud someone who has that much pulling power, and to bring an audience of that size to see a piece of performance art here is praiseworthy.

    Also, his causes were good – collecting money for children in poor mountain areas is not to be criticised, even if it was initially unclear what the people parading with plastic boxes were collecting for.

    Anh Khánh and Vũ Mạnh know how to put on a good show. The sets were impressive: towering bamboo, burning ladders, aerial acrobatic dancers, live body painting, cages ripped apart in performance. The quality of performance was, generally, very high as well – music, dance, and art melded well, and it all had the feel of a grand performance.

    Here comes the (two) buts: The artists obviously aren’t pushing themselves. Both are obviously at the top of their game, and who do they have to compete with? No-one, which is why their performances are missing that little extra that makes me think “wow, I didn’t see that coming”. It’s that magic which makes a performance unique. As it is, it’s just a rustic light, sound, and dance show, made by a pair of eccentric artists.

    The second point: probably clearer in retrospect, but the reaction to the Harley Davidson motorbike extravaganza was, on the whole, one of awe. A friend said to me afterwards “They’re amazing; all that metal, it was making my heart pound”. Certainly not the reaction Anh Khánh and Vũ Mạnh were looking for. The metal fetishist is not going to be jolted into seeing the environmental impact unless his favourite motorcycle is crushed before his eyes.

    The consequence of having such a small scene is that there is little challenge for the artists. They need to push themselves more. The audience is there, the opportunities are there, now make great art.

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