Home Images & Videos Images and Video from Photo Exhibition “8m²” by Nguyen The Son

Images and Video from Photo Exhibition “8m²” by Nguyen The Son

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“Home” is often the “comfort zone” where we let our guards down and relax after a tiring workday. But for a large number of construction workers who migrated to Hanoi, “home” is a tiny 8m² space lacking comfort, light, fresh air, and probably even access to sanitation.

In his photo installation “8m²”, artist Nguyen The Son addresses the individual consequences of the progressing industrialization in Vietnam. People who move to the city in quest of work and often live there in the smallest spaces under severe conditions for years. The video and photos below were taken by the artist himself, showing the visual and sound details of his artwork in the most attentive way possible.

The exhibition ran from 13 – 30 August, 2015 at Goethe Institue, Hanoi.

[youtube width=”700″ height=”393″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stqr7I8dZYE[/youtube]


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