Home Event Listings Art Exhibition: “Reflective Impressions: van Gogh & his works”

Exhibition: “Reflective Impressions: van Gogh & his works”

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Exhibition: 08 Mar – 09 Apr 2019, 10 am – 10 pm
Vincom Center for Contemporary Art (VCCA)
B1 – R3, Vincom Mega Mall Royal City
72A Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi

From VCCA:

On 8 Mar 2019, Vincom Center for Contemporary Arts (VCCA) will officially open the exhibition” “Reflective Impressions: van Gogh & his works”, using applied technology to introduce to the public the masterpieces of Vincent van Gogh, one of the most excellent post-impressionist artists.

The exhibition showcases more than 35 artworks of the Dutch artist, including the famous Sunflowers, Self-portrait, Almond Blossoms… These paintings will be displayed as digital images, shown alternately and automatically through modern high-resolution projectors – corresponding to the different genres: still lifes, self-portraits, plants, landscapes,…

With an aim of bringing art closer to the public, the exhibition presents an opportunity for anyone interested in art to enjoy these masterpieces in a way that is honest, lively though unconventional. Van Gogh’s paintings are marked by his impressive, thick brush strokes, combined with bright lights and colors to express the artist’s strong emotions. At the exhibition, with the image presented on large screens, the layers of the brush strokes will also be enlarged in size, giving viewers a close-up view of every detail, every contour in the paintings. The complex combination of shapes, colors and brightness seems to add authenticity to the medium, forming a matrix of brush strokes and create a certain edge to the paintings, giving the audience a unique, new visual experience compared to the original.

“Many who know about da Vinci, Picasso and van Gogh have never had access to their original paintings. The most common way for people to enjoy art or famous works is through books, magazines, postcards or the Internet. Thanks to these ‘reconstructing’ exhibiting format, original works become more popular and accessible”, said VCCA’s Art Director, Mr. Mizuki Endo. “In that sense, it should not be assumed that enjoying art through ‘reconstructed’ images is inferior to the original work; it is just two different ways to enjoy a work. What we need to focus on and think about is the view, the perspective, and the ways to enjoy artworks that can trigger the visualization of images / artworks in different directions.”

In the framework of the exhibition, VCCA will organize art events, workshops,… to help the audience better understand van Gogh’s unique art. Detailed program will be updated regularly on our official fanpage.

The exhibition will be opened from 8 Mar to 9 Apr 2019 at Vincom Center for Contemporary Arts (VCCA), B1 – R3, Vincom Mega Mall Royal City (72A Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi).

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) is one of the most famous Dutch artists of all time. His artistic life lasted only 10 years: from 1880 until his death in 1890. But with great passion, in those 10 years, van Gogh left an incredible amount of work with about 850 color paintings and more than 1300 drawings preserved; not to mention a large number of watercolor paintings, lithographs and sketches in letters.

Throughout his life, van Gogh wrote hundreds of letters to his younger brother Theo, other family members and friends. For him, letters are an important means of communication as well as a way for him to express his feelings. Much of what we know about van Gogh: life, history, things he read, saw and though about, all comes from his letters – like the artist’s “biography” on its own.

Van Gogh was considered a self-taught painter. He taught himself the techniques thanks to textbooks, several classes at art schools in Brussels, Antwerp, museum tours and advice from painter friends. Being exposed to modern art movements in France prompted him to conduct experiments. As the years went on, van Gogh built for himself a very unique, expressive style of painting using vibrant colors – A style that inspires and influences many artists in the next generations.

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Vincom Center for Contemporary Art (VCCA)
B1 – R3, Vincom Mega Mall Royal City
72A Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi


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