Home Other Fukushima Festival in Hanoi

Fukushima Festival in Hanoi

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02 and 03 Nov 2013, 10 am – 4 pm
Vietnamese Women’s Museum

From the organizer:

Fukushima Festival in Hanoi is one important event included in the series of activities celebrating the 40th anniversary of Viet Nam and Japan diplomatic relations, to introduce a “new” Fukushima to Vietnamese people. The suspicion raised from tsunami radiation will disappear, and the city of Fukushima is featured as a healthy, safe area with traditional culture and sustainable development .

Fukushima Festival takes place in 2 days (2 and 3 Nov 2013) at Vietnamese Women’s Museum with some interesting activities including:

Exhibiting Fukushima traditional industries and specialty booths; Displaying tsunami event and 2-year process of rebuilding the city; Films about Fukushima; The Kimono costumes, folk dances, Ikebana flower arrangement, Japanese tea ceremony.

Free entrance during Festival.

Translated by Hanoi Grapevine

Vietnam Women’s Museum
36 Lý Thường Kiệt, Hà Nội


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