Art Vietnam – Simon Redington

Art Vietnam – Simon Redington

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Opening: Fri 17 Oct, 6pm
What’s so funny ’bout peace love & understanding?

The most recent body of work by international printmaker, woodcarver, and painter Simon Redington.

Baghdad Cafe
Baghdad Cafe

Simon Redington’s latest collection could not have come at a more appropriate time. With the world economy teetering on the brink of collapse and the global nature of our existence becoming increasingly more evident by the moment, one need only to look at Simon’s latest collection to be reminded of the complex machinations of civilized society the world over, of its strengths, pitfalls, and weaknesses. Society is indeed capable of doing terrible things, of valuing the power and the profit of few over the general well being of many. Simon’s recent work illustrates this point well but it also goes a step beyond this identification by posing an important question: Who manufactures the tacit acceptance of such treachery and greed? Where does it come from? Who is responsible? And how might we begin to learn to think for ourselves again?  By way of asking the viewer to engage in critical thought Redington’s work offers his audience a way out of the opiate haze of consumerism and profit. The world that the critical minded are offered entrance into isn’t a utopia but at the very least it pays homage to a reality comprised of values beyond the confines of property and greed, it is the place from which action becomes conceivable again, where hope might put down a new root.

The current collection is comprised of a series of stunning poster-style prints, oil paintings, and confrontational sculptures. “BOLT 117”, the title of print series, takes its name from the original “smart bomb”, an ironic acknowledgement of how devilishly might has come to replace intellect as the true measurement of power.  As the viewer examines carefully the provocative posters they are confronted with the absurdity of mindlessness, the absence of careful consideration, and the tendency of the public to retreat into a silent mental torpor. The oil paintings with their bright colors and highly graphic compositions are almost garish in their dark humor. They create a carnivalesque atmosphere with an unmistakable and all too familiar menacing undertone. The collection ends in a final flourish of carefully constructed fear. The mannequin’s ghoulish mocking, expressions emphasize the closing message, “Wake up before it is too late…..”

With this body of work, some of Simon’s most provocative to date, the artist hopes to stir the sleeping public, to awaken the critical mind. He asks with acute awareness, wry wit, and a deep sense of compassion…. “what’s so funny about peace, love and understanding?” or as one might conversely say, what’s NOT so funny about peace, love and understanding?

Art Vietnam Gallery
7 Nguyen Khac Nhu, Hanoi
10 am – 6 pm, closed Sundays
Tel: 84 4 927 2349
Fax: 84 4 927 2804
[email protected]
[email protected]


  1. All the best to you Simon,
    Sorry to miss the show,
    Won’t get to Ha Noi till the third or fourth week of November…

    Many Blessings, Jon Anderholm of Cazadero, California

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