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Art Openings
Photo, Film, Video
For Kids
Theater & Dance
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Saturday 20/05/2023 in All
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition “Hanoi 1985-2015 In The Years Of Forgetting"This exhibition includes 18 street life photos taken from 1985-2015 by William CrawfordAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition "Then and Now, Hanoi Streets in Transition"11:00The exhibition features 8 relief photography works from recent photosAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition “Light and Dark Stars"Several of Adrian Sauer's current and earlier works are shown alongside the titular work (2017): 256 Graustufen (2020) and Palast der Republik (1993)Add to Your Calendar:
Walking Through a SonglineImmersive multimedia installationAdd to Your Calendar:
Walking Through a Songline08:00Immersive multimedia installation to introduce Australia’s unique and vibrant First Nations’ cultures to a Vietnamese audienceAdd to Your Calendar:
Soon The Time Will ComeThe debut solo exhibition by Nguyễn Đức Huy, curated by Linh LêAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition MAYPresenting 03 collections of artworks of diverse techniques and materialsAdd to Your Calendar:
Art Exhibition “The Time-Captured Hand”The exhibition showcases Buu Chi's 28 artworks with various materials such as lacquer, canvas, paper, etcAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Read with Us #6: How do We Look at The Crisis of Our Time07:00An assortment of publications about nature, the environment, or more specifically climate changeAdd to Your Calendar:
The Showcase Câu-lạc-Bộ Cánh vảy15 tác phẩm tiêu bản, 15 tác phẩm tranh cánh vảy đầy mới lạ và sáng tạo, cùng khu trưng bày collector slideAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition “In Search of Lost Time Searching"10 local and foreign photographers of various generations present their perspectives and dialogues about time in a series of photosAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition “Beyond the Visible, Seeing the Unseen"10:00The exhibition allows the audiences to enrapture themselves in the fleeting moments captured by Diego Chula that appear as surreal instants in timeAdd to Your Calendar:
The Showcase 'ầm...èo'08:00Triển lãm của nghệ sĩ sáng tác và sắp đặt tranh L O O N Y kết hợp cùng nghệ sĩ âm thanh Nikola H. MounoudAdd to Your Calendar:
Exhibition "Fragment of Soul"The exhibition showcases the works of Lap Phương and Trinh Cam Nhi, where the concept of “two sidedness” is explored and reflected uponAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition & Talkshow "Hanoi - A City in Photography"Visitors to the exhibition may discover a familiar Hanoi or a strange land that bears endless resemblances.Add to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition "Vietnam's cultural diversity"09:00The exhibition features 100 outstanding photographic works from the Vietnam Photo Expression Contest 2020Add to Your Calendar:
Songs of Singularity10:00Galerie QuynhAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition “Simply Robert Doisneau"Exhibit 30 representative works in the career of Robert DoisneauAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition “Revived"The exhibition shows various ways of understanding oneself, understanding the world, exploring unconscious modes of thinking, and imagining an imageAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Exhibition "Place of Belonging"These photographs compose a beautiful tribute to family bonds, with all the joy, complexity and intricacies that they carry.Add to Your Calendar:
Exhibition 'No more, not yet'10:00An exhibition showcasing the artistic practices of Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai and friendsAdd to Your Calendar:
Triển lãm "Thế Giới một mét vuông " và Toạ đàm " Nơi gấu có quyền lựa chọn"Triển lãm mở ra hai phần không gian chính nhằm gợi mở hai thế giới khác cho loài gấu.Add to Your Calendar:
Exhibition "Peculiar Interfaces"09:00An abstract to The Outpost’s long-term dedication to explore and unpack how technology is impacting our relationships to one another, and to the world around usAdd to Your Calendar:
"MỚ" Painting Exhibition10:00The exhibition will showcase more than 20 distinctive artworks by Phạm Trần Việt NamAdd to Your Calendar:
VIETNAM IN TRANSITION, 1976 – PRESENTThe exhibition explores the multi-layered intersections of art, history, and memory in Vietnam since the end of the Vietnam War – in Vietnam known as the American War – and national reunificationAdd to Your Calendar:
Photo, Film, Video
Triển lãm 3D “Thưởng – Phạt: Chuyện xưa chưa cũ”Triển lãm giới thiệu 80 văn bản đặc sắc được lựa chọn từ khối Châu bản triều Nguyễn về chủ đề thưởng - phạt dưới triều Nguyễn (1802 - 1945)Add to Your Calendar:
