Hanoi-Based Filmmaker Produced Documentary about North Korea

Hanoi-Based Filmmaker Produced Documentary about North Korea

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DPRK (2)

Matt Dworzanczyk is a Polish/American filmmaker based in Hanoi for the past few years. He traveled to North Korea and recently produced a travel documentary about that memorable trip.

North Korea (DPRK) has become an exotic destination for adventurous travelers, and this very insightful documentary is a great chance to learn about what travel and local life is like over there. The film has been going viral on YouTube and after less than 3 weeks on air it has attracted more than 511,000 views, no doubt at least partly due to North Korea’s prominence in the headlines recently.

It is Matt’s private project with no commercial purpose and is available for free to watch and download. If you like the documentary you can support the filmmaker by donating through PayPal.

Watch the full HD version on YouTube here:


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