Home Event Listings Seminar “Enhancing Organic agriculture and agroecology in Vietnam”

Seminar “Enhancing Organic agriculture and agroecology in Vietnam”

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08:30 am, Thurs 05 Dec 2024
Fortuna Hotel
6B Láng Hạ, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Registration link

From Week of Italian Cuisine in Vietnam:

In the framework of the Week of Italian Cuisine in Vietnam 2024, the seminar Enhancing Organic agriculture and agroecology in Vietnam provides a comprehensive perspective beyond cuisine discussions, exploring the intricate connections between people, ecology, agricultural economics, and the environment.

The seminar will feature the participation of MARD or MARD agencies leaders, FAO representative in Vietnam, Ambassador of Italian Embassy in Vietnam, and representatives of organic/ecological agriculture development projects in Vietnam. It covers a wide range of topics and encourage focused discussions on significant aspects of ecological agriculture development, including:

– Overview of existing national and local policies and institutional support environment for organic agriculture and agroecology in Vietnam.
– Agroecology in practices, from perspectives of farmers and provincial stakeholders/localities.
– Experience sharing from other ongoing research and projects:
+ ASSET – A project to transform food and agricultural systems in Southeast Asia into more sustainable, safer and inclusive systems, through harnessing the potential of Agroecology.
+ STAR-FARM – Smart Agro-ecological Transformation of Farming Systems towards Resilience and Sustainability in Middle and Coastal Zones of the Viet Nam Mekong Delta
+ Teaching and researching projects of HAFL – The School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences under Bern University of Applied Sciences.
+ FOLUR – The Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program is supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and led by World Bank that seeks to transform the global food system by promoting sustainable, integrated landscapes and efficient commodity value chains
– Regulations on importing organic products into Italy and the EU
-Sharing experiences in developing organic production in Italy, including management regulations, policies, organizational and implementation methods, market development
– Group discusssion to find innovative solutions/recommendations.

About Week of Italian Cuisine in Vietnam

Launched in 2016, Week of Italian Cuisine is an annual event held worldwide to honor Italian culinary heritage and culture, thereby spreading the values ​​that are the identity of the country and people of Italy. Week of Italian Cuisine in Vietnam 2024 brings the theme “Mediterranean Diet and Cuisine of the Roots: Health and Tradition”, emphasizing a healthy and sustainable eating model.

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