Exhibition “Shining Night”

Exhibition “Shining Night”

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Exhibition Shining Night

Opening: Tue 06 Mar
Exhibition: 06 Mar – 06 Jun 2012
Vietnamese Women’s Museum

From the Museum:
To recreate the lives of migrant people and the problems they face in daily life, the Vietnamese Women’s Museum has been cooperating with Light (the Institute for Development and Community Health) to host a new temporary exhibition called Shining Night. The exhibition presents the stories of a typical group of migrants who are representative of thousands of others earning a living in the Long Bien market area. Day and night, they take part hard in manual labour, working as porters, rickshaw pullers, or carriers, facing many difficulties and challenges while they work.

With the assistance of the community as well as other social organizations, the migrants managed to overcome violence in their lives and now have an improved standard of living.


Entry fee: VND 30,000

CORRECTION: The Exhibit is free for the public, there is no entry fee. The fee listed is for the Museum as a whole, visitors may see Shining Night for free without entering the rest of the museum.

Exhibition Shining Night

Exhibition Shining Night

Vietnam Women’s Museum
36 Lý Thường Kiệt, Hà Nội
Tel: (04) 3825 9936 – 3936 1869


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