The Third Creative Business Program of Knowmads Hanoi

The Third Creative Business Program of Knowmads Hanoi

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The Second Creative Business Program of Knowmads Hanoi

Workshop: 03 Jan – 01 Feb 2015
Deadline: 22 Dec 2014

From Knowmads Hanoi:

Knowmads Hanoi offers international, creative business education that challenges students to create their own education and projects.

Knowmads Hanoi, a co-creation between CSDS Hanoi and Knowmads Amsterdam, designs programs based on action learning in a team setting. Together we are creating a platform with workshops and lectures by professional trainers, real-life projects and coaching for people who want to make a positive difference in the world.

From January 3rd we organize our 3rd ‘learning by doing’ program in Hanoi, a program of 5 weekends about personal development, entrepreneurship and real life projects while working and learning in an international team of students between 20 and 35 years old.

The Second Creative Business Program of Knowmads Hanoi 2

We are looking for 20 students and young professionals who will start a meaningful journey along the main questions and topics of the program. During 5 weekends, with the support of 15 trainers, coaches and facilitators, partner-organizations and real-life projects, you will create a unique experience for yourself! Main Questions and Topics

• Who am I and what world do I want to live? Sustainability & Social Innovation
• What do I want to contribute/change? Personal Leadership
• How do I create the organisation/project to get it done? Entrepreneurship & New Business Design
• How do I bring it into the world? Marketing & Creativity

For more information and to apply: Or get in touch with Program Manager Guus Wink via [email protected] or 0122 8424 035


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