Film screening + Concert: Vagabunden Karawane + Lafidki + Alex Tassel (vinyl...

Film screening + Concert: Vagabunden Karawane + Lafidki + Alex Tassel (vinyl DJ)


Vagabunden karawane

Thu 30 Oct 2014, 7.30 pm

From the organizer:

ATK + Moon Gramophone + Hanoi DocLab present Mini DocFest 2014 opening party:
VAGABUNDEN KARAWANE (film screening + director Q&A with Werner Penzel)
LAFIDKI (live)

Werner Penzel – 82′
No real dialogues

“In 1979 the Krautrock rockers Embryo took their instruments and a movie camera on a bus ride through Iran, Afghanistan and India, jamming with musicians along the way, painting murals on silk, partying with the circus and giving birth by candlelight. The resulting footage is a fascinating document of cross-cultural mind-blowing.”

“The bass of the diesel drone interrupted by a screeching brake solo – each road has its own song.

The Hindu priest, laughing hysterically as he realizes the camera focusing on him and keeps laughing after the film ran out – all your preconceived concepts shattered by present tense reality – the argument over the last bottle of whisky stashed away for the customs official in Iran – the night of fear at the Secret Police – the first chillum after the Afghanistan border – the people under the bridges of Calcutta and the cold morning bath in the mountains of turkey…

The shared dream of being on the road, this powerful dream stronger than all fears and horrors of disease, lack of money, borders and civil wars.

It pushes us on through the night when everybody on the buses is huddled against each other, sound asleep, save for the drivers bent over the wheel, leaving behind the serpentines of the passes and the desert roads stretching out straight across the flats, the radio turned on full volume, hoping for some decent music to keep you awake till the next stopover at some desolate gas-station.

The camera plunging into the bottomless pit between mere technical limitations and the irrevocability of each minute moment – after days becoming months the film footage is counted by miles.

Right now – just about one year after we set out for this trip – we’re back in the editing room viewing the director of the culture-institute with his abstract ideas right next to the shy smile of the Afghani shepherd boy, the night in the Pakistani circus tent dissolving to unexpected thunderstorm raging over riverbanks in India where one woman of our tribe gave birth to her first child cheered on by each and everybody, and the people of Calcutta jump up from their seats on the ground to boogie with embryo’s Afghani-Hindu-rock… (1979)”

LAFIDKI (live)

LAFIDKI is Saphy Vong, a Cambodian-French sound and visual artist. Messing around with abstract electronics, noise and sequenced multi-layered rhythms, playing live is for him always an experiment within the situation of spontaneous thinking and decision-making through the energy of people & space.

“…the brightest synth patterns and the biggest beats, doing some sort of amplified tropical rhythm along with starry, crystalline synths. Basically, it sounds like staring up at the stars and zoning out while dancing for a

few minutes…” Foxy Digitalis

“Spacy winter lo-fi maximalism hymns and impatient post-pop.” Avant Avant

“The often masked Cambodian born, Paris/Nancy/Berlin-based musician has a unique sense for abstract electronics, bringing with him an energy and joy rare in such deeply experimental psychedelia. Lafidki’s blend of noise and sequenced multi-layered rhythms is a captivating solo listen, but this music’s also begging for a spot at your next dinner-party-turned-dance-off.” Stylus Magazine

TICKETS (available at doors):

50k (students with valid student IDs) / 80k
For more information, visit Mini DocFest 2014

73a Mai Hac De, Hanoi


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