Finest Project 2024: Roots & Worlds

Finest Project 2024: Roots & Worlds

Open Studio

Roots & Worlds

About project: Roots & Worlds is an alternative school co-designed and run by IC Visual Lab (UK) and Matca (Vietnam). Via an open-call, 8 emerging Vietnamese photographers were selected to participate, responding to the theme of ecological encounters to produce a collective body of work. Running from August to November, the programme was delivered firstly online, followed by a five-day Creative Lab in Hanoi, culminating in a presentation of the work created at Matca. Articles and talks took place alongside the mentorship, further expanding conversations to the public in the country and abroad.

Roots & Worlds is an alternative education model where collaboration takes centre stage. With artistic and financial support, Vietnamese image-makers are supported to develop creative approaches to visual storytelling, focusing on contemporary issues of their own interest. The program also fosters interdisciplinary engagement by inviting contributions from Vietnamese and UK researchers, writers and artists.

6 young Vietnamese photographers were selected to participated in Roots & Worlds from more than 40 applications from across Vietnam: Đan Trần, Trần Quỳnh Nhi, Nguyễn Hữu Thiện Trường, Hà Huyền Trang, Nguyễn Võ Bảo Hân and Nguyễn Lê Tuấn Kiệt.

Art form: Photography

Duration: August – November 2023

Organizer: Matca, IC Visual Lab

Activities: Workshops, talks, individual tutorials and group feedback sessions

Vote here

Installation by Trần Quỳnh Nhi (Quảng Ninh)
Installation by Hà Huyền Trang (Vinh – Wollongong)
Installation by Đan Trần (HCMC – Singapore)

Creative Lab

HANOI GRAPEVINE’s FINEST is an annual event that honors contemporary art projects in Vietnam. The event is organized and nominated by Hanoi Grapevine and the general audience.

The event aims to honor individuals, organizations, creative art projects & activities as well as artists who are 35 or younger who have made impacts on the community in order to encourage the development of local creative arts, to promote greater communication and to further spread the influence of art and culture in the community.

In an effort to give the most comprehensive and objective view, HANOI GRAPEVINE’s FINEST always offers different formats in each edition. This year, Hanoi Grapevine’s Finest 2024 is divided into two major categories: Honouring and Recognition.

Nominees List

Hanoi Grapevine’s Finest Overview (PDF)

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Hanoi Grapevine


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