Movement and Contemporary Dance Workshop “Pendulum”

Movement and Contemporary Dance Workshop “Pendulum”

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Workshop Pendulum

Fri 31 Jul 2015, 7.30 pm
Blossom Art House

From the organizer:

This class will focus on the fundamental aspect of contemporary dance, the pendulum concept, the idea that our body has two main weights (our head and our hips) and all movement is created by the pull and push of these two weights working together.

Think of how a baby moves. When it stands up it lifts its bottom first and then swings its head up so that it is standing. This is the very fundamental idea of movement which we tend to lose as we grow older. Using this idea of pendulum allows a person to give in to their body and let go of order and structure. Once a person allows their body, instead of the mind, to take control of their movements, creativity starts to flow. This is very important in today’s world where we are constantly having to think and follow rules, allowing our natural movements to flow gives us a break from the chaotic and stressful world around us.

By the end of the class the participants will have tapped into a new found creativity and be able to return to their most basic movements. Participants will have the opportunity to let go of rules and structure and give in to their natural movement.

Max. 30 people

* You only need to come with a passion / a need to express yourselves, release your body with creative activities. No dancing skills or techniques required.

FEE: 200,000 VND

Email us your basic information (full name, age, phone number) to [email protected] with title PENDULUM WORKSHOP by 6PM 25/07/2015.

– 20 mins to warm up
– 30 mins for understanding the idea of pendulum and momentum (participants will be shown and practice the ideas in pairs)
– 30 mins for basic steps lesson (using momentum and pendulum movements)
– 30 mins for free expression (participants will be asked to move around the room to music using the steps and ideas of pendulum and momentum)
– 10 mins to cool down

Emily George is a dancer from Cape Town, South Africa. She started dancing at the age of 4 and doing ballet for 8 years. She then decided to improve her dance abilities and began training in Modern Dance, Contemporary Dance and Cabaret Belly Dancing. A few years later she added Hip Hop and Tribal Fusion to her list and partook in many dance workshops such as Krumping and Spanish Dancing. In 2007, she was selected as one of the dancers to perform at the Gathering of the Tribes event held in Sydney, Australia. In 2010, she was tasked with choreographing and teaching a meaningful dance piece to showcase at the Gathering of the Tribes event in Cape Town, the Reddam House Evening of Dance.

Blossom Art House
94B Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi

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