Video Art: Women’s Cinema

Video Art: Women’s Cinema

Thu 12 Aug, 3 – 5 pm

Women Cinema is back for a second screening with a 3 short films by French female filmmaker Agnes Varda and Belgium filmmaker Chantal Akerman.

“Women Respond: Our Body, Our Sex” by Agnes Varda
“Hotel Monterey” and short “La Chambre” (1972) by Chantal Akerman

Agnès Varda has been called the “Grandmother of the New Wave,” a well-meaning if curious tribute for a woman who directed her first feature film at the age of 26. Born in Brussels, Varda studied literature and psychology at the Sorbonne, and art history at the École du Louvre. Encouraged by filmmaker Alain Resnais, Varda made her movie directorial bow in 1955 with La Pointe Courte. Her movies, photographs, and art installations focus on documentary realism, feminist issues, and social commentary — with a distinct experimental style.

Chantal Anne Akerman (born 1950) is a Belgian film director and artist. Renowned for a hyperrealist style, Akerman’s work seeks to inscribe the “images between the images.” Akerman’s most famous film “Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles” (1975) exemplifies a dedication to the ellipses of conventional narrative cinema.

The screening is non-profit and aims for studies and research only.

Following the screening is Q&A session.

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